GeoTools: Geolocation services for vtiger CRM
As many of you know already, our company Libertus Solutions does quite a lot of work with the open source CRM called vtiger. It’s a very competent and accomplished product made even more so by its well thought out extension capabilities.
In this post I’m really pleased to announce our first open source vtlib module for vtiger called GeoTools.
It was derived from another project on the vtiger forge called Maps, which we have taken and extended in true open source style. Standing on the shoulders of giants, and all that…
GeoTools introduces Geolocation features to vtiger in a standard vtlib module package. It adds the ability to perform distance-based searches on your data.
GeoTools uses the Google Maps API to gather positional data, that’s latitude and longitude coordinates, for the entity records that have been configured in the GeoTools Settings area. Once we have acquired this positional data we can then perform location-based calculations to display the results on an embedded Google Map, and as a list view of entity records.
Anyway enough of the words already! Here’s a video:
As soon as the forge site is up I’ll update this and provide links to the code.
Update: Here we are: This will be a moving target for some time yet – it’s still rather “beta” grade code…