Google Chrome on Ubuntu?

[UPDATE: This post was published on the 3rd Sept. 2008. Since then much has changed and the Google Chromium browser is readliy available for Linux either direct from Google or there is a PPA with daily builds for Ubuntu users. Both work for me. END UPDATE]

Click on the image for a larger view…

Google\'s Chrome Browser on Ubuntu

However, all is not quite as it seems…

The new Chrome browser from Google in this first release is only for Windows (groan) although they are developing for Linux (Instructions on how to build it are here) and Mac too so I doubt it will be very long before we see something that can run natively on your Operating System of choice.

The picture above shows the Chrome browser running on an Ubuntu 8.04 desktop. However, there is some trickery going on here…

Anyone like to guess how I’ve done it? (And there is no Photoshop or image editing whatsoever. It is really running as you see it)

You can probably get it working on Wine too although I haven’t tried this: