How to remove Mono from Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex

As this was such a popular How To for Hardy Heron, I thought I’d document the same exercise for Ubuntu’s latest version Intrepid Ibex (8.10).

With a default install of Ubuntu Desktop 8.10, there are quite a few mono packages installed as standard. In fact there seem to be quite lot really (I counted 28!), especially considering they are only there to support two fairly minor applications: Tomboy and F-Spot. Although the good news is that Intrepid Ibex comes with one less Mono application than did Hardy; which also included Banshee.

If you type the command dpkg -l '*mono*' you will get a list that looks something like this:

| Status=Not/Inst/Cfg-files/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name           Version        Description
ii  libmono-addins 0.3.1-5        GTK# frontend library for Mono.Addins
ii  libmono-addins 0.3.1-5        addin framework for extensible CLI applicati
ii  libmono-cairo1 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono Cairo library
ii  libmono-cairo2 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono Cairo library
ii  libmono-corlib 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono core library (1.0)
ii  libmono-corlib 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono core library (2.0)
ii  libmono-data-t 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono Data library
ii  libmono-data-t 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono Data Library
un  libmono-dev    <none>         (no description available)
ii  libmono-i18n1. 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono I18N libraries (1.0)
ii  libmono-i18n2. 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono I18N libraries (2.0)
ii  libmono-securi 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono Security library
ii  libmono-securi 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono Security library
ii  libmono-sharpz 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono SharpZipLib library
ii  libmono-sharpz 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono SharpZipLib library
ii  libmono-sqlite 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono Sqlite library
ii  libmono-system 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono System.Data library
ii  libmono-system 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono System.Data Library
ii  libmono-system 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono System.Web library
ii  libmono-system 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono System.Web Library
ii  libmono-system 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono System libraries (1.0)
ii  libmono-system 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono System libraries (2.0)
un  libmono-winfor <none>         (no description available)
un  libmono-winfor <none>         (no description available)
ii  libmono0       1.9.1+dfsg-4ub libraries for the Mono JIT
ii  libmono1.0-cil 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono libraries (1.0)
ii  libmono2.0-cil 1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono libraries (2.0)
un  mono-classlib- <none>         (no description available)
un  mono-classlib- <none>         (no description available)
un  mono-classlib- <none>         (no description available)
un  mono-classlib- <none>         (no description available)
ii  mono-common    1.9.1+dfsg-4ub common files for Mono
ii  mono-gac       1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono GAC tool
ii  mono-jit       1.9.1+dfsg-4ub fast CLI JIT/AOT compiler for Mono
ii  mono-runtime   1.9.1+dfsg-4ub Mono runtime
un  mono-utils     <none>         (no description available)
un  monodoc-gtk2.0 <none>         (no description available)

Fortunately, the dependency management tools mean that we don’t have to remove each one of these files on it’s own. The single package mono-common is a common dependency for everything above apart from libmono0.

So the command to purge yourself of all the Microsoft infected software is as follows:

sudo apt-get remove --purge mono-common libmono0

This command will remove almost 60MB of crap from your hard drive and free you from eternal damnation and suffering. Well, OK. Perhaps it’s not quite that bad, but I personally have no wish to use software that is so tainted. Nor for that matter do I want to use code that is so tightly bound to a company that, amongst other things, manages to screw us all out of significant tax revenues.

File Management Preferences

There are several alternatives for the two minor applications that we have just removed. For F-Spot, I recommend using the gThumb application which basically does the same thing, and in fact is better in my opinion as I found it easy to set it automatically remove the photos from my camera when it copies them across. Something I never managed to work out how to do when I tried F-Spot.

To install gThumb simply type:

sudo apt-get install gthumb.

If you want gThumb to start automatically when you plug in your camera, or other removable storage media with photos on, open Nautilus (the Gnome file manager), go to the Edit menu and select the Preferences option. On the File Manager Preferences dialogue window, select the Media tab and then change the option next to Photos: so it says “Open gThumb Image Viewer”.

For the note taking app, there are several alternatives. I have used Zim in the past which is very good, and I have also recently started using Notecase just as a comparison. There are others too. I recommend that you try a few and find one that suits you.

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  • zeke says:

    I just discovered the Hardy post, so Im happy you did one for 8.10.

    Is there a list of all the Gnome programs that use Mono to keep as reference?
    I know that I avoid Beagle, F-Spot, and Tomboy and my life hasnt been worst because of it.

  • Stefano Spinucci says:

    Many thanks.

    I hope we’ll see less and less mono-the-patent-trap applications in future Ubuntu releases.

  • Anon too says:

    For Photos –
    Use the old Gwenview for KDE 3.x – and Kipi Plugins (better than F-SPOT or any other as does not require you to use a database for photos).

  • Marc says:

    Excellent. Hadn’t even realized it was there. Why in hell is Ubuntu installing this stuff by default, I don’t know. It’s like asking the local protection racket over for tea. Sure, make it available if people need it (and some, unfortunately for them, do), but don’t bloody install it by default when it is not at all required!

  • Marc says:

    PS: I’ve also installed Tim Chase’s “mononono” package from, which will create a conflict in case something tries to sneak mono onto my system in the future. Personally, until I need potentially patent encumbered crap from Microsoft I would rather not have to deal with having any of their stuff on my systems. So thanks again for posting this.

  • Roy Schestowitz says:

    According to Roy, this is from an imposter. But he didn’t want it deleted. Just flagged.

    Hey Alan,

    You’re a good dog! You barking exactly on the right people (in my retarded opinion).

    Thank you,
    Roy “freedom nazi” Schestowitz

  • Albert says:

    Interesting! It would be better if Ubuntu didn’t include it by default as opposed to the end user having to trim out the ‘fat’ from the distro.

  • Yfrwlf says:

    Yeah Mono is silly and thanks for the tips about alternative programs. This is good for those who plain don’t like MS. As far as lock-in though there are several other dangers though as well, one of which is distro lock-in, but at least with many other programs which are tied to single companies, the lock-in at the very least isn’t as scary.

  • Removing mono-common libmono0 on my Ubuntu 8.10 install also wants to also remove a lot of glade and gnome with it. I guess not all Ubuntu 8.10 systems are the same.

  • Tiago Faria says:

    I would like to include your weblog on Get back to me if you’re interested.

  • Mike says:

    Dude! I was wondering whether or not I was going to have to switch back to the BSDs in order to stay free from the clutches of MACroSatan. You’re totally like Jesus or something! 🙂

    For real, though. Thanks a bunch! It’s people like you that keep the innocent sheep from the wolves, hirelings and false prophets.


  • Alan Lord says:

    @Zeke, I’m not sure. You could try installing Tim’s monomono package. That should stop you from inadvertently installing any mono garbage: See this comment.

    @Stefano and Marc, thanks for the comments. Glad you found it helpful.

    @Roy, Woof Woof.

    @Anon too, thanks for the suggestions.

    @Albert, yes I agree. But this has been tried before. I think there is someone deeply in the Gnome team who is working for MicrosoftNovell that has – shall we say – a vested interested in ensuring Mono continues… (No prizes for guessing BTW).

    @Yfrwlf, Distro lock-in is an interesting concept. I’m currently happy using Ubuntu, but you are absolutely right. We do have a choice. You can always go back to Debian, or Fedora, or Slackware etc etc etc…

    @Ian, that’s interesting. I always test this on a VM first. I created a default installtion of 8.10 desktop (x86 32bit) in a VirtualBox VM and tested the process first. You might find you have installed some other apps which are relying on both Mono and Glade. Try recreating you system in a VM first. That way you can break it without damaging your main machine first. If you find out what the apps are, please drop back and let us know!

    @Tiago, thanks. Please feel free to include my blog. I’ll mail you to confirm.

    @Mike, thanks for the adulation. Although I’d prefer to be compared to “His Noodly Appendage”. Check out the ‘Church of the FSM’ if you don’t get it.

    @all, Thanks. This is just so weird. This article was published just last night. Check the next post in a hour or so for what happens to the traffic profile. There is so much interest in this subject…

  • […] Mono Effect About 15 hours ago, I posted an article on how to remove Mono from Ubuntu Intrepid […]

  • […] some of them might soon upgrade their installation (unless this was already done). There’s help at hand for those who want to remove Mono quickly and painlessly from Ubuntu 8.10 (codename “Intrepid […]

  • Alan, there is an imposter there using my name. Could you please add something to say this is a faker? Thanks.

  • Nomo Mono says:

    Hey! Post a bug report or feature request in Ubuntu Launchpad requesting that Ubuntu make space and get rid of mono. Put the link here and then it can get voted up. It will also be useful for tracking the munchkin activity and any possible moles within launchpad.

  • Alan Lord says:

    @Nomo Mono,

    Thanks for the suggestion but this was done the last time: See here:

    And Roy has already asked Mark:

  • max stirner says:

    thanks very much! 🙂

  • Nomo mono says:

    @Alan: Too bad I missed it. Many others probably did as well. How many hours was it available for before M$ flunkies closed it? That’s a cool survey, though.

    However, what I was thinking of was a regular, honest-to-goodness bugreport adding a mono-free Ubuntu to the wish list. The MSFT crowd’ll be able to camp on it and slam it and try to hide it and close it and so on, but it won’t go away and can always be re-opened until the issue is resolved.

  • […] Posted on 17. November 2008 by ccernn from here… “sudo apt-get remove –purge mono-common […]

  • Alan Lord says:

    @Nomo mono,

    Anyone can create a bug in Launchpad, although somehow I don’t think it would get very far. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try I guess.

    Personally, I do not feel the time is quite right to have this discussion although, with a bit of luck, I will get to talk to Mark again this Thursday evening. If it seems appropriate to, I will mention it.

  • simion says:

    You all are so stupid , why you do not have a war against java when it was not open source??? Why do you all do not say anything about wine??? Mono is open source and patherns problems can raise only on Windows.Forms and ASP.NET and ADO.NET. The core is standard and is open source. Wine can bring more problems then mono. I know that the awerage user is stupid but no one that posted heredid not tell you the truth.
    You can read more to learn more about the mono core, the .NET Framework standardization/

  • Alan Lord says:


    calling all people stupid is no way to engender a sensible discussion.

    Wine is not Mono and is to help people with legacy applications. Even the Wine devs want it to go away. It fulfils a need. Mono enables the further deployment of patent-encumbered applications on operating systems that do not need them. Stick to Windows.

    As I mentioned elsewhere, Microshaft “opened” OOXML too. And just look what happened there. The world’s worst, most complex specification, was forced through the ISO which has been corrupted and terribly tarnished and is now a laughing stock in global IT standardisation.

    Why would anyone in their right mind want to use yet more crapware from Microsoft? Unless of course they earn their [dollars,shekels,rubles,baht,pounds etc] by writing .net apps. Please also remember that Mono is largely Novell [i.e. Microsoft] driven and funded.

  • Mono is used for developing apps. Wine just runs existing win32 apps. Simple.

  • Mark says:

    >You all are so stupid , why you do not have a war against java when it was not open source??? Why do you all do not say anything about wine??? Mono is open source and patherns problems can raise only on Windows.Forms and ASP.NET and ADO.NET. The core is standard and is open source.

    Mono includes: (1) the ISO standard parts, including C# and CLI, and also (2) the Microsoft proprietary parts, including Windows.Forms and ASP.NET and ADO.NET.

    Mono is written by Novell. Novell has a patent deal with Microsoft, so that Novell has a license from Microsoft to write these non-free parts of Mono, and to include them in SLED.

    They are indeed open source, but they are not licensed by Microsoft to run anywhere but in SLED. Not in OpenSuSe, not in Ubuntu, not in Fedora, not in Debian, not in Slackware, not in Gentoo, not anywhere but SLED.

    When you install Mono 2 on any Linux system, you are installing software which includes Microsot proprietary technologies without having a license from Microsoft to do so (unless you run SLED).

    What is worse, if you use Mono to port to Linux programs originally written in .NET for Windows, then any such ported programs on your Linux system will include and rely upon the unlicensed Mono libraries on your system.

    What exactly is Mono all about? I think this page sums it up nicely:

    Mono is all about getting existing Windows applications, and their Microsoft-proprietary dependencies, installed on to your Linux system, so that you will in the near future require a paid-for license from Microsoft to run programs on your Linux system.

    Note: the argument built in this post is structured using references only from the Mono project itself. It does not rely on any potentially biased words from sources such as the Boycott Novell website … only the Mono project’s own words are quoted.

  • simion says:

    Hi again. wine runs windows apps – mono runs windows apps(you can use it to make application to but the .NET Framework has more features and i prefer using it to make my programs, for developers is important to write fast and bug free applications)

    wine implements non standard APIs- the mono core implements standard APIs

    Nowell has a large contribution to the kernel and to other open source projects(Ubuntu has almost zero contribution to the kernel)

    About Microsoft, i do not like the Windows OS but they have powerfull development tools, lots of documentation,books,etc. As a user is simple to say that developers should not ise mono but do you users know how many books on QT$ or GTK are there? Developers want to have such a powerfull platform in linux and they wil use it like they used java (and it was not open source )

    I am not sorry that i made all of tha above readers stupid because it is verry stupid to talk nonsense, just if they thinl more and see that is all just a Microsoft paranoia and at least the one who reads these please search and READ who are the main contributers to the kernel and after that you can say that NOvell is bad and Canonical is so good.

  • motumboe says:

    gpicview is also a good replacement for f-spot.
    And I support the use of Rhythmbox instead of banshee

  • RudieD says:

    Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a black-list of packages that are not allowed to be installed on the PC. Then when ever you install a app that depend on one or more of those, it gives a error “This application depends on a BLACK-LISTED package”.

  • Hello,

    if you are interested I made a SpatialBundle of Gthumb 2.10.10.
    You can download here:

    does not require installation nor root password to run, just download and add executable bit via right click->properites or chmod +x via terminal and then just double click on the file…nothing more…

    If you would like to explore more SpatialBundle go to:

    where you can find Firefox 3.0.4, Pidgin 2.5.2, Zim and other useful daily software.

    Hope you can find it useful and let you “feel better”,

    Luca Cappelletti

  • […] in Alan’s Web site just a moment ago: Mono includes: (1) the ISO standard parts, including C# and CLI, and also (2) […]

  • Joe says:


    When Java was not Open Source, it was not installed by default. Wine is not installed by default. Mono is installed by default, if we want it or not. This needs to change. If you want to build or run mono applications, then you can install it – it is your computer and we will not stop you. If someone wants to run Windows Applications under Wine, they install it. We don’t want mono on our computers EVER!!!!!!!! Our choice, plain and simple.

  • xplode says:

    @mark: thank you, that was downright beautiful. also, alan, thanks for keeping this one going. looking forward to the 9.04 post already 🙂

    one day the default ubuntu install might be mono-free, and it’ll be thanks to guys like you.

  • Samuel Mukoti says:

    If Mono is evil coz its for development and wine is for existing win32 apps, what about Samba? Doesn’t Samba also validate Active Directory on Unix/Linux?

    I understand all the fears about patents etc, the problem is .net from when i used to use it was way superior to Java, especially when you look at the toolchain, performance, and just Visual Studio itself, theres just nothing comparable on Linux/Unix at the moment. Kdevelop is close, maybe if KDevelop merged with Gambas, interms of RAD and not just the language, C# and technologies like ADO.Net are awesome when developing business applications, database frontends etc, this stuff is just way too hard to do in Gtk/Gnome & Qt/KDE – though I must say Qt SQL is better – though its still very limited.

    We need projects like Freepascal to suceed, Gambas, KDevelop, if these project could mature we might have good development tools on Linux, i’m sorry to say but most of my FOSS heroes are all using Emacs and Vim, and this is 2008! come’on guys, surely we can’t expect people to move away from tools like Visual Studio, XCode, and Delphi/Codegear Studio to Vim & Emacs? Its not that they don’t work, but we talking about productivity.

    Is there hope or we now give in to Adobe Air, and Sun’s Java, which are no different to .Net as their all proprietary

    just my 2cents

  • […] Shuttleworth’s stance on Mono, which already fills Ubuntu, is not helpful and one possible solution was proposed just a few hours ago. When Java was not Open Source, it was not installed by default. […]

  • Alan Lord says:


    Samba is not really the same as Mono, no.

    It was, up until M$ were forced to give out the protocol details, completely reverse engineered and was – like Wine – really there to support integration with the legacy Microsoft networks (NetBEUI/CIFS etc).

    Mono’s objective on the other hand “is to enable developers to build and deploy cross-platform .net applications”.

    You missed one absolutely massive development environment from your list: Eclipse.

    And I would also question just how much extra “productivity” you really do end up getting from the likes of Visual Studio… When I used to play around with some of these IDEs, so much code was automatically generated, which did not do what I wanted it to but rather what the IDE designer thought I would want it to do, that I spent half my time trying to re-write it all.

    I have not heard of Java being accused as proprietary. It is almost completely GPL licensed now, which does not allow the use of patents as a stick, and as I discussed on another thread, Sun do not go round threatening the entire world’s FOSS community with patent threats. Something Ballmer is only too fond of.

    Thanks for commenting though!

    It is amazing how much interest and opinion Mono generates. The majority of the readers of this blog are largely and vehemently against it. Including me 🙂

  • Tiago Faria says:

    For those who think Samba and Mono have the same issues, please read the following:

  • Mark says:

    >If Mono is evil coz its for development and wine is for existing win32 apps, what about Samba? Doesn’t Samba also validate Active Directory on Unix/Linux?

    Samba is an open source implementation of the SMB protocol, which was originally invented by IBM.

    SMB stands for Server Message Block. The SMB protocol allows for additional “extensions” to the original protocol. Microsoft has, in the past, used these extensions to create additional bits of the protocol that have been deliberately obscured by Microsoft.

    Now in order to get a patent on an invention, first of all you have to have invented it. Microsoft didn’t invent the Server Message Block protocol … IBM did. Secondly, you must describe on the patent application how your new invention works. Microsoft never described their extensions to IBM’s SMB protocol, instead they obscured them.

    Hence Microsoft has no patents on their networking using SMB/CIFS. At best, this is a trade secret of Microsoft’s.

    The Samba project has reverse-engineered Microsoft’s obscured extensions to IBM’s SMB protocol, and uncovered the trade secret. Reverse engineering is a perfectly legitimate way to try to uncover a trade secret.

    Therefore, Samba is under no patent threat at all from Microsoft.

  • Dan Butler says:

    Wow. I mean…wow. I can’t believe people get so worked up over this. It *isn’t* MS code. It’s GPL. Who cares what it’s built to model? If people want to develop .NET stuff on Linux, let them. Isn’t that what OSS is about? Choice? You sound like a religious zealot raving about infidels. Using code written to emulate something they created doesn’t ‘taint’ you or anything. MS doesn’t get anything out of it. If anything you hurt them by using a free version of something they wanted to get money from.

  • Alan Lord says:


    I’m not worked up. Sounds like you are though 😉

    If others want to write .net then that is their choice. My choice is to remove Mono and to not use .net applications. And it seems many other people prefer to do this too.

    Mono itself is GPL – well spotted! Microsoft however, who are the originators for several of the public standards that Mono supports (and who lest not forget, totally fscked the ISO with their puppets ECMA and OOXML) and some that are not public standards and *are* protected by patents (Windows.Forms and ASP.NET and ADO.NET), regularly use their arsenal of IP to threaten their customers, partners and squash competitors.

    I have no need for 60MB of a Microsoft derived application framework which gives me just two applications on Ubuntu: F-Spot and Tomboy. There are better alternatives frankly, and two of the previous Mono based that shipped with earlier versions of Ubuntu have since been dropped: Beagle and Banshee. So for 60MB of bloat I get a camera manager and a note pad. Big deal.

    I also do not wish to encourage the creation of any new applications that will be glued into Microsoft’s IP. They are a convicted monopolist and a company that myself and, seemingly, most of the readers of this Blog seem to want nothing to do with.

    It is your choice of course – feel free to use Mono if that’s your bag. But don’t be surprised when the IP police start knocking… 😉

  • VonCapo says:

    Excellent guide. I already removed the garbage.
    Please update this guide for the next Ubuntu version.
    Thanks a lot.

  • jvector says:

    Thank you for this. I had been concerned to see mono stuff appearing in my system, and had tracked it down to tomboy but not removed it. (I havenow…)

    One thing worth adding – if you have any existing Tomboy notes (and it is, after all, quite a nivce bit of functionality, it’s just a shame about the baggage…) then the alternative ‘zim’ that you mentioned does include as an add-on a Python script to convert existing Tomboy notes into zim’s wiki-like format.

  • neighborlee says:

    hi there,

    I am stunned if there really isnt a way to do this from the synaptic gui , which is the intended use for the Ubuntu targeted community, or so I would think?

    If it can’t be removed simply from that, then its even more of a travesty that its there by default and mark should be ashamed.

    Even if that were fixed it would not remove the fact that while the language itself may be considered free, its not free due to:

    ….they are not licensed by Microsoft to run anywhere but in SLED. Not in OpenSuSe, not in Ubuntu, not in Fedora, not in Debian, not in Slackware, not in Gentoo, not anywhere but SLED.

    ….When you install Mono 2 on any Linux system, you are installing software which includes Microsot proprietary technologies without having a license from Microsoft to do so (unless you run SLED).

    ….What is worse, if you use Mono to port to Linux programs originally written in .NET for Windows, then any such ported programs on your Linux system will include and rely upon the unlicensed Mono libraries on your system.

    Aren’t we suppose to be protecting the innocent ?


  • Stifu says:

    Much Mono hate by misinformed people here…
    Microsoft = evil, and Mono = Microsoft friendly = evil, right? A clever analysis, really.

    By the way, Mono is much more than something “only there to support two fairly minor applications: Tomboy and F-Spot”, and it’s also my platform of choice for my own developments.

  • neighborlee says:

    Your the one who is misinformed here, and considering that you like to use words like ‘hate’, clearly indicates that your not here to ‘debate’ rationally, but sling ad-hominem attacks on those who may disagree with your positions, therefore completely negating any credibility you thought you may have had.

    It might be your platform of choice, but afa relates to people who use their computer everyday for ordinary things which may not include programming or ahem,,note taking there is zero reason to include it on any distributions releases. RMS believes that as well have some actual gnome develepers, and clearly kde doesn’t think its worthy of risk as well as fedora doesn’t in their default recommended livecd offering, and you can also include debian lenny in that ( I just used its new installer a few weeks ago ). Those are the facts whether you like it or not, and as a result no one should be forced to have it on their default machines ( in this case ubuntu and anyone else that defaults to having mono and its ‘few’ apps there on install and livecd usage ), and if you the programmer find it so useful , feel free to install it like you would anything else you find you need, but dont vote to force it on unsuspecting users who dont know much about this mono mess.As a linux user who supposedly would be sticking up for users of a free open source opearting system, I’m a little surprised you feel this way unless of course you make your living using it 😉


  • savanttm says:

    I’m pretty sure the problem you guys are running into is that the OSS developer community has begun embracing .NET standards (which are GPL and completely in line with the OSS community). Many people believe this is following the embrace, extend, extinguish plan that we all know so well, and I agree to an extent.

    The fact is that once these applications you don’t want on your Linux desktop are written in Mono, they will compile and run on Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 machines. As a developer, that’s not a bad audience to hit if you’re already covering Linux and your program is distributed with packaged distros like Ubuntu and openSUSE. Once Windows users are *able* to embrace free software alternatives to commercial Windows software, the MS grip on them is weaker by default. From MS’s perspective, this is the cost of doing business in the 21st century because developers and IT departments know the choices that are available to them and have boycotted MS products effectively in the past.

    Linux is your desktop though. If you don’t like the direction of the Ubuntu distro, you can always take it up with the maintainers – they include the packages for your benefit. If you can write code, you could even become a contributor to the particular offending programs and subvert their .NET adoption strategy. The programs that work with Mono can be replaced with other non-MS associated OSS anyway, but an easier choice is to just use another distro. Have you looked at Kubuntu or xubuntu? If you used to use the standard and you switch, rest assured that people will notice.

    I checked the dependency tree and I’m pretty sure that the KDE4 desktop (as opposed to the Gnome version) for openSUSE 11.1 doesn’t use any mono libs, but I naturally wasn’t impressed that monolibs were installed by default. They should definitely be opt-in only, but being paid to develop Windows applications without having to buy a single Windows product is pretty nice. Maybe you should try it.

  • Great info!

    In the version you write for Jaunty Jackalope, you might include setting /etc/apt/preferences so that it can’t come back by accident:

  • […] como un comentario en este artículo sobre cómo eliminar a Mono de una instalación de Ubuntu 8.10 […]

  • Ed Landaveri says:

    “Mono enables the further deployment of patent-encumbered applications on operating systems that do not need them”
    Someone on the Ubuntu lists wrote If you need Windows technologies “Stick to Windows”.

    Thanks Alan and all of the folks that stand up the CONVICTED monopolist that’s looking a way to destroy GNU/Linux and FOSS. There’s no way to deny this as what Microsoft sees as it’s number one thread. To support Novell (who has protection to use mono and MS patents) is to support a CONVICTED monopolist, Microsoft itself. Also to call zealots to those who stand up against the CONVICTED monopolist is just one of the tactics that Microsoft have been using the last ten years. They just follow Himmler “Lie, lie, lie something will remain”. Microsoft has always love to rewrite history, if not ask COMPTia and its minions.

    So far every free Ubuntu installation I do for relatives & friends as soon as the intallation ends I run these commands for them. Every Disk I gave out, I also hand out these instructions. Thanks again, && Hats off to you!

  • Stifu says:

    neighborlee: you’re saying I’m misinformed, but fail to point out how exactly I am. Care to elaborate, or was it just a “NO YOU!” comment for the hell of it? And talking about credibility, you may want to brush up your spelling and grammar (“Your the one”…), that could help yours. But I don’t wish to troll or turn the debate into personal attacks, so let’s try to keep it clean… although I doubt I’ll change your mind or anything, I’ll still throw my 2 cents in.

    And for the record, at the moment, Mono is rarely ever used in companies, so very few make a living out of it. I certainly wouldn’t mind using Mono professionally, but I don’t.

    About your point: you could apply it to many other applications that come by default with many distros, but that most people never use. That’s the point of distributions: packaging a bunch of things you (may) need, so you don’t have to go through the hassle of getting everything on your own. You don’t need it? Then fine, remove it, no problem.
    That said, Mono is different from your usual apps because it’s a framework, and therefore all kinds of applications can run on it. The fact there may not be many popular or useful Mono apps at the moment is irrelevant, and surely trying to keep Mono in a cage won’t encourage the appearance of new applications for it. On the other hand, supporting the Mono project would not only help getting more developers and users interested in it, which would mean more Mono apps, but also help Mono get better and more compatible with MS .NET (through bug reports and contributions), which would mean more Windows applications available on Linux, therefore actually weakening the Windows monopoly (even though FUD spreaders claim the opposite, saying Microsoft could just pull the rug any time and put Linux in a bad spot).

    That said, I don’t really care whether Mono is installed by default or not, it’s not much trouble to install it if you want it. I doubt many people use apps that rely on Mono without knowing it, so it’s alright for them to have to go and install it on their own if they need it… although it may not be all that convenient for everyone. Maybe it’d be good if distros implemented some kind of simple .NET exe detection, and propose to install Mono if you try to launch one. That way, potential Mono users wouldn’t miss anything, and those who don’t want Mono could still avoid it. But then I’m sure certain people would complain about the .NET exe detection being “bloat” in their OS. 🙂

    But anyway, I thought Mono had been removed from the Ubuntu CD due to space constraints, so it should only be available through repos, as an optional download… No? I know I had to download it myself, it wasn’t there by default. It’s a shame those who don’t want Mono seem to have it by default, and those who want it don’t have it and need to install it themselves. 🙂

  • RudieD says:

    Why run a your app in another app ? It’s like writing your app in Excel macros. I use FreePascal/Lazarus/PascalServerPages(PowTils) and it’s getting better by the day. You write your code once and then just compile to the os/widget you want and it creates native binaries (Linux/Osx/Win{98,2K,XP,Vista,CE}/…).

    I don’t want to slow the PC’s down with big frameworks.

    Asta La Vista Mono !

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