Some “Open Sourcerer” statistics
I thought readers might be interested to know a bit about themselves. I’ve been running this blog for just about 6 months now and there are some mildly interesting statistics from Counterize II – The stats gathering plugin I use.
The Most Used Browsers are:
Mozilla Firefox – 10622 – 58.82 %
Internet Explorer – 5265 – 29.15 %
Unknown – 1205 – 6.67 %
Netscape Navigator – 605 – 3.35 %
Opera – 363 – 2.01 %
When you look at the Operating system numbers below, it is very noticeable how Firefox is way ahead of IE even though the largest single platform of visitors is XP. Of course I do realise that the “ethnography” of the visitors to this site will be somewhat biased. Something that is not shown here is that the IE browser versions are almost all IE6. There are not enough IE7 visitors to get a mention on the browser-by-version statistics. The Firefox number is comprised (in descending order) of mostly, some and almost the same
The Most Used Operating Systems are:
Windows XP – 6666 – 40.29 %
Ubuntu Linux – 5198 – 31.42 %
Unknown – 2458 – 14.86 %
Windows 2000 – 1117 – 6.75 %
Linux – 1107 – 6.69 %
These numbers are quite interesting for two reasons:
Firstly, note the lack of Vista. It isn’t even on the radar at all. I can count on one hand the number of visitors I see running Vista. Perhaps I shouldn’t be so surprised seeing the terrible reputation it has.
Secondly, Linux. Almost as many visitors are running Linux as are Windows XP… As I said, I do realise there are some compelling reasons why Linux users would be more attracted here then Microsoft, but even so, a very significant number of visitors have chosen NOT to use M$ on their desktop. And of those who haven’t switched, many are using an Open Source browser.
Not convinced yet? Go on… Go get Ubuntu’s brand new 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) release and give it a try. Oh yes, and do remember, it’s free.
Tags: Microsoft, Open Source, Ubuntu
As you’ve shared your stats I thought I’d share mine too 🙂 The stats are taken from Google Analytics with our office stats filtered out. The site is a standard B2B site, so I suscpect that the stats will be a better picture of usage in business than your stats given your sites obvious bias towards open source. 😉
We had a minor reddit storm this month so I would suspect that the stats are more than usually skewed away from Microsoft.
Browser share:
Internet Explorer Internet Explorer – 52.70%
Mozilla Firefox – 39.82%
Safari – 3.05%
Opera – 2.69%
Netscape – 1.04%
Operating system share:
Windows – 87.58%
Macintosh – 6.57%
Linux – 5.52%
Not set – 0.16%
FreeBSD – 0.06%
The stats are from 18 Sept – 18 Oct 2007
Forgot the Windows breakdown, percentages are of the total using Windows not the site as a whole:
XP: 83.43%
Vista: 9.61%
2000: 4.17%
Server 2003: 2.38%
98: 0.32%
NT: 0.04%
ME: 0.03%
95: 0.01%
Thanks. It’s interesting just how far Firefox has penetrated the market, and to be honest more than 5.5% for Linux is encouraging seeing as how it’s only become a decent desktop alternative in recent times.
I think a really interesting thing to do would be to track the changes over time. So let’s do this again in 6 months and see what’s changed!
@Alan – good idea!
I read your blog mostly at work hence why the XP and the IE browser.
I use the RSS reader to read your blog so the statistics does not seem very accurate if no RSS readers listed or is that in the Not set catorgry?
The stats package I am using here on WordPress does not seem to list RSS as a category, or perhaps I just don’t have that many users using RSS…