Coolest EU City Goes Open Source!
How appropriate is this? The Dutch, an amazingly cool and unflustered nation, are planning to move the entire government administration of Amsterdam over to Open Source software. Apparently several districts/agencies are trialling OSS now and the final decision will be made in December. But with a statement like this:
All government agencies must change to open source software, the national government says in an action plan presented today.
it sounds like it is already a done deal.
As well as the press release there is also a concise description of the project and business case (in pdf).
Nice one Holland. Let’s support the Dutch; go and buy some Heineken or Edam 😉
Tags: Amsterdam, EU, Open Source
[…] Oh goody, yet another BAD day for Microsoft… Perhaps, now we all know (officially) that Microsoft are crooked and anti-competitive, many of the visitors to this site will stop using Internet Explorer now, and then start migrating their desktops to one of many free and Open Source alternatives (Just like Amsterdam is doing) […]