Ubuntu UK Christmas Sherry and Mince Pies Evening
We are pleased to announce the first annual Ubuntu UK sherry and mince pies evening!
We will sort out the booze, but we would like everyone to bring some mince pies or Christmas themed nibbles – extra points if you cook them yourself.
Cost: it will be an integer number of pounds between £0 and £5 depending on numbers and corporate contributions.
If anyone would like to do a little talk about something interesting they have been up to recently or perhaps discuss a topic of interest for Lucid then that would be great. Not formal presentations, but there will be power and wireless broadband available so if you want to demo something that would be cool.
Tuesday 22nd December
The Hub Islington
4th Floor
5 Torrens Street
To make sure we don’t under-cater on the sherry side of things we would like you to sign up for the evening by RSVPing on this Doodle poll.