New: Public Domain Government IT Spending Dashboard!
Get this, there’s a new web site that looks to have been built using the Open Source Drupal CMS (At least the blog portion did when I looked at the XHTML) as the front-end which lets anyone see a “dashboard” of spending on Government IT projects:
It has been an exciting time since we launched the IT Dashboard. There have been more than 20 million hits so far…
20 Million hits? I hadn’t heard about this. Had you? It gets even better.
For anybody just joining us, the “IT Dashboard†is a new, one-stop clearing house of information that allows anyone with a web browser to track … IT initiatives and hold the government accountable for progress and results.
Bloody hell. That’s amazing!
Where’s the catch?
Ahh. You sussed it.
Yep. It’s in the USA, at a site called USA Spending.
Come on Gordon. Let’s see how you are REALLY doing with spending on IT in Education, the NHS or Defence…
Tags: Drupal, Government, Open Source