The Open Sourcerer on WordPress

I’m quite chuffed!

If you recall I changed the look of this site last week after building my first WordPress theme.

A passer by called Kirrus suggested I submit it to the WordPress Theme Directory. Which I thought was a cracking idea and one that hadn’t even crossed my mind. I sent it in, a few days later I got an email suggesting I made a couple of minor alterations:

  • Add a Feed Autodiscovery to the header (good idea and something I wasn’t actually familiar with)
  • Add some “default” widgets to the sidebar so on a blank WP instance you get to see some widgets in the sidebar.

So I did that this morning and submitted version 1.2. Only a few hours later I got a mail saying it had been accepted and is now in the WordPress Theme Directory!


I guess, I should ask that if you use the Theme Directory at all, it would be great if you could vote but that’s your choice.



  • Jack Hughes says:

    Congrats… πŸ™‚

  • Kirrus says:

    Thanks! πŸ™‚

    Rated, and installed πŸ™‚

  • Alan Lord says:

    @Jack & @Kirrus, many thanks.

  • […] has been accepted and is now being hosted on the Theme Directory. I wrote a short piece about that here. Tell Someone […]

  • Jeff says:

    Thank you! I really like the theme. I’ve started using it on my re-launched personal site, in fact. I still need to tweak a couple of bits, but the aesthetics are wonderful for my (mostly) tech-themed entries (as you would expect, given its genesis doing similar service here). Again, gracias.

  • Alan Lord says:

    @Jeff, thanks for the feedback, it’s appreciated. I’m glad you like the theme. I will be updating shortly to 1.3 – probably today sometime. I noticed a couple of small errors. Here’s what’s in the change log:

    In content.css and wordpress.css:
    * Added some line height to h2 article headings: A line-wrapped headline looked messy.
    * Increased article paragraph line height just a tad; +0.1em. It looked a little too cramped.
    * Modified colours of form elements to match theme: Input boxes and buttons, fieldset etc.
    * Fixed pre element layout. Was running outside of article container.
    * Fixed some .postmeta styling differences between articles and single page layouts.
    * Added small amount of padding to ‘td a’ elements of wp-calendar widget to improve readability.

    Thanks again

  • Jeff says:

    I’ve updated to 1.3 — good stuff. Thanks.

  • andyb0y says:

    I love the theme! I was wondering how to get the Post’s Author to appear at the top of the post so people know right away who it is?

  • Robert says:


    How can I add a “Home” button in the navigation?

    Many thanks.

    • Alan Lord says:

      @Robert, I do not think it is really necessary. The title of the blog is a link to the home page. The navigation bar is a list of the Pages you have in WordPress. Perhaps you could create one that points to the home or just edit the header.php file and add something like this in an <li> tag.

      <a href=”<?php echo get_option(‘home’); ?>”>Home</a>

  • Alan Lord says:


    Just include an Author tag in the index.php and the single.php files.

    Here’s a link about the author tag:

  • Tobias says:

    Nice theme! Unfortunately it doesn’t validate (any more?). Check the link in the footer.
    Just wanted to let you know. Keep up the good work. πŸ™‚

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