3.0 immensely, staggeringly popular

Just a quick note really on the release of 3.0 yesterday.

A message on the OOo mailing list from Louis Suarez-Potts says it all:


We must apologize. 3.0 is proving immensely, staggeringly popular. And our site is down as a result. While we fix things, we urge you to be patient and try again later on tonight, tomorrow, this week. It will still be there.

Oh, by popular, we mean it: figure hundreds of thousands of users, mostly Windows users, but also Mac OS X and Linux and Solaris users, all trying to download it all at once…..

Cheers, and thanks for your patience,

Hundreds of thousands of users… That’s really great. Congratulations to everyone who has contributed in whatever way to this release.

If you are still struggling to get to a download, a very fast UK mirror (I just checked it) can be found here:


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